

event manager at Menora InfoPoint by POLIN Museum, Warsaw

Cultural anthropologist, creator and organizer of culinary events. For many years she has run workshops with youth, focused on local Jewish history. Since 2013 she has worked at POLIN Museum, finding a way to educate on Polish-Jewish history and culture through food.

On behalf of POLIN Museum Magda runs Menora – a place that combines food, Jewish information centre and a meeting space for NGOs. She has organized over 40 culinary events – cooking classes, meetings, dinners. She has worked with chefs from Poland and abroad, among others Aleksander Baron, Jeffrey Yoskowitz, Liz Alpern, Gil Hovav, Michel Moran and Malka Kafka, restoring memory and taste of Jewish food. An enthusiast about the connection between food and culture, Magda wishes to bring people together and closer to their roots.